Sam Smith Stay With Me Cover The Voice

Sam smith stay with me cover the voice. So here's my cover stay with me )itunes. Emma holly jones [http//www. Sam smith stay with me ( cover by abu rahman ).
I simply love this song so much had to upload it hehe sam smith is soooo goood. Hope you guys liked this one 1 if did grab it here,stream/download our track here. Performing his huge number one track at very own show on bbc one, presented by fearne cottonsubscribe now.
Http//samsmithworld/imreadyid stay up to date with music, tours and exclusives here. All credits go to the right owners.
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I'm such a fan#bymyside now available on itunes. I love sam smith's album 'in the lonely hour'.
Cover by john sagai do not own anything. Wer schafft es sich in herze.